Tuesday 14 June 2011

Google 'Panda' changes search results – are you affected?

The Panda update has downgraded some UK tech sites - and Microsoft's Ciao plus voucher sites and 'content farms'.
The update is intended to demote sites which scrape content from other sites, increasing the importance of unique relevant content on your site. Good web designers offering SEO services will be aware of this.
Google made the change in the US at the end of February, and a number of original content sites were hit then, including the British Medical Journal. Now it has rolled it out more broadly.
Large-scale changes to Google's algorithm was noticed almost immediately. If you site is not appearing on the first two pages for search terms with significant traffic you’re website will attract less than 1% of searches, as 99% of searchers don’t go beyond page 2.
If your business relies of Google traffic you have to be aware of the consequences of algorithm change. For professional advice visit the website advertising agency